Soil Moisture Analog Sensor -Arduino Compatible
This Soil Moisture Analog Sensor could detect the soil humidity. It is very useful if you want to build an intellectual garden. Imagine that your device could water your planting while it needs water. Or on occation that you are away on a trip, you don't need to worry about your planting. This sensor is part of our auto-planting system kits (comming soon).
We have three kinds of Moisture Sensor Sensor as below :
1、High Sensitivity Moisture Sensor -Red Version
2、High Sensitivity Moisture Sensor -Blue Version
1、Power supply: 3.3v or 5v
2、Output voltage signal: 0~4.2v
3、Current: 35mA
Schematic and dimension
Download the schematic diagram
The out pin of Moisture Sensor Module could be connected to any analog input pin of Arduino.
If you have Arduino Sensor Shield, you could plug in and pay.
The example code is very simple.
void setup(){
void loop(){
Serial.print("Moisture Sensor Value:");
You might need to do the test first, to find out what value is the threshold value.
Schematic Diagram
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